A downloadable game

Hi, this is the prototype for movement and levels. We'll be using this to evaluate what needs to be done early on. Please consult the design team or direct feedback to them 

Sharing with anyone that is not a member of Kwek Kwek Studios is strictly prohibited 

Please play around with the settings and get a feel for the game. This is for early testing to see what needs to improve, and what needs to change. Several features may be added in the duration of this testing. Additional features to enhance the experience is encouraged feedback as well.

Note that all assets here are placeholders


ActionMouse + KeyboardController
Movement - PlayerWASDLeft Joystick
Jump - SpaceSpaceA or south button
Movement - KiteMouse (move it around)Right Joystick
Ascend - KiteLeft Mouse ButtonRB or its gamepad equivalent
Descend - KiteRight Mouse ButtonRT or its gamepad equivalent
PauseEscape(Don't work)


  • Jitter on camera 
  • Spamming jumps cause two types of it midair
  • Kite sticks to one direction when moving (possibly an issue in clamping)

Note that windows will likely flag this as a virus since it is an unrecognized file from a less than recognized website (itch io). This is expected when downloading files from Itch as Windows Defender does not recognize the website formally

Credits to dev team: 

  • Arti 
  • Chester 
  • Coru
  • Gab 
  • Ian
Published 20 days ago


1.1.1.zip 102 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract to any folder and run the "SSK-movementandlevels1.1.1.exe" file

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